Thursday, December 8, 2011

Scott Walker Fundraising Letter

Following is the text of a fundraising letter being sent out by Friends of Scott Walker on the Governor's behalf.  It is scary to see just how he feels about us...the name of the recipient has been removed for obvious reasons.  The emphasis is original from the letter.

Dear Mr. #####,

     The Wisconsin Democrat Party is following through on their months-long threat; they're launching a recall election against me.

     Our rivals are probably bringing in out-of-state hired guns, ciculating thousands of petitions, gathering the 540,000 signatures they need, and forging an alliance of Big Government Liberals, Big Government Union Bosses, powerful Far-Left Special Interests and Super PAC's, and National Democrats from the White House on down.

     In the face of a challenge of this magnitude, I need you.

     Knowing that I can't fight this battle alone, I'm reaching our to Wisconsin's tried-and-true conservative leaders and friends and asking your to write a "Friends of Scott Walker" check today.

     Mr. #####, our opponents will raise tens of millions from deep-pocketed Super PAC's and Big Labor Bosses, but we'll raise money with the grassroots contributions of strong Wisconsin supporters like you.

     Your generous check for $25, $35, $50, or $100 will give us a big boost and a huge lift as we tackle this enormous challenge together.

     Our rivals crave power and they're happy to dismiss everything we've accomplished together since I took office in January.

     We've turned a $3.6 billion Jim Doyle-defecit into a $300 million surplus.  Wisconsin is debt-free for the first time in a decade.  New businesses are coming to Wisconsin and so are good jobs.

     From education to local government reform, we've made one breakthrough after another and Wisconsin is poised for even better days ahead.

     Mr. #####, don't let the Liberals succeed in ousting me and returning our state to the bad old days of blank-check government and no-limit credit cards; a state where businesses will shrivel up and die...taxes will go back will disappear...and all out progress will be undone.

     We simply can't afford to let that happen.

     So as Wisconsin Democrat Chairman Mike Tate shouts that "It would be irresponsible of the party not to jump on that opportunity" to recall me, you and I know the truth is different.

     They are desperately seeking power so they can return to the happy days when their liberal base was treated to one Big Government treat after another.

     Wisconsin can't afford to go where they will take us.

     This is a critical point in Wisconsin history, perhaps a turning point.  From first-hand experience, I know how our political rivals operate and how far they'll go to recall me.

     I can only imagine how much help they'll get from the Obama White House, the National Democrat Machine, the deep-pocketed Liberal Super PACs and the revenge-seeking Big Labor Bosses.

     So in my hour of need I turn to you.

     Knowing that you share my love for Wisconsin, my dedication to fiscal conservative pinciples, and my determination to meet this looming challenge head-on...

     Do me the honor of contributing to our "Friends of Scott Walker" campaign with your special gift of $25, $35, $50, $100, $250 or more.

     Through your generous spirit and sense of fair play, I'll rise to meet this recall challenge with yard signs and bumper stickers, targeted letters and self-mailers, radio spots and TV commercials, neighborhood canvasses and get-out-the-vote calls.

     I'm proud of Wisconsin and pleased with the progress we've made in our first year in office.  But I'm not satisfied.  There's more to do, more reforms ahead, and I'll do all in my power to keep making you proud of the progress we've made.

     Right here and right now, I need your help.

     I must raise $600,000 in the next thirty days; that's the seed-money or start-up capital we'll need to fight off the first wave of attack ads.

     Your kind help will mean the world to me and your "Friends of Scott Walker" check for $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2500 or more will give me the opportunity to keep working for the Wisconsin I love.

                                                                            On Wisconsin,

                                                                            Scott Walker

P.S. At this moment, our opponents probably are recruiting out-of-state hired guns, circulating petitions, gathering signatures, raising money, and planning attack ads.  Over $40 million was spent on recalls this summer - they could spend that much on a recall against us.  I'm asking for your help so I can keep being your Governor.

Gag me with a freaking spoon.  It is scary to see how askew his view of reality truly is.  It is also nice to see that Friends of Scott Walker was able to provide a job to the guy who used to write all those e-mail scam letters about the rich prince in Nigeria needing your help to get his fortune out of the country...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Following is an announcement received from Sen. Jim Holperin's office regarding a public hearing on the future of BadgerCare in Wisconsin:

Rhinelander BadgerCare Hearing Set for December 8

For More Information:  (715) 891-1412

            A public hearing focused on a state agency’s plan to make $554 million in cuts to the state’s health care programs for eligible seniors, children, families and the disabled will be held at Nicolet College in Rhinelander on Thursday, December 8.

            State Senator Jim Holperin (D-Eagle River) said the hearing is one in a series being held around the state to solicit comments, answer questions and accept advice regarding the future of Wisconsin’s BadgerCare health insurance program.

            “Health care for the elderly, disabled and children is the state’s 2nd largest program (behind school aid) and there’s no question additional efficiencies must be identified for the program to remain viable,” Holperin said.  “But is the Department of Health Services making the right choices?  Are the cuts they’ve proposed to the federal government the right ones?  This is a topic we need to hear more about.”

            The Rhinelander BadgerCare hearing will be held in the LRC Theater on the Nicolet College campus starting at 4:30p.m. on Thursday, December 8.  The hearing will last 2 hours, or until everyone who wishes to speak has done so.

            Specifics on the Department of Health Services proposal to cut $554 million from the Medicaid/BadgerCare programs can be found at  Click on About BadgerCare.

# # #

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Recall Group Has Over 300,000 Signatures

     United Wisconsin, the group that is organizing the effort to recall Governor Walker, Lt. Governor Kleefish, and four senators, has announced that it has collected over 300,000 signatures in the first 12 days of its 60-day period in which to gather them. This puts them at approximately 50% of the number that they wanted to collect.  Executive Director Megan Mahaffey stated that even though they might have the required number of signatures earlier than required, they still plan to turn them in to the Government Accountability Board on January 17th, the last day before the deadline.  If you are interested in signing the recall petitions contact your friendly local union representative and they can direct you to whomever is circulating the petition.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Looks delicious, doesn't it?
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us in AFSCME Local 474.  We wish you safe travels and a joyous holiday.  Even though Governor Walker and his lackeys have seen fit to take aim at us, and the Vilas County Board of Supervisors has gone right along with them, we all still have a lot to be thankful for.  So let's put aside any differences and/or animosity and have a wonderful and safe holiday.  We'll see you all on Monday!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Reminder: Recall Petitions Available

     The drive to collect the over 540,000 signatures required to force a recall election of Governor Walker and Lieutenant Governor Kleefish is under way.  If you wish to sign the petition, please see your Union representative and they will either have a petition or will be able to direct you to someone else who is.  They will also have information as to how you can become a circulator yourself.  Please also encourage your friends, family, or anyone else to sign.  Signers need only to have lived in Wisconsin for at least 28 days, and to be eligible to vote.  THEY DO NOT NEED TO BE CURRENTLY REGISTERED TO SIGN THE PETITION, as Wisconsin allows voter registration on the day of the election.  Please remember as we go through the next sixty days that just as you have the right to sign the petition, others have the right not to, so be persuasive and polite but not pushy.  Thank you for you support.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Look Into the Future with Local 474

     There will be an important meeting of AFSCME Local 474 on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 4:15 pm at the Eagle River Inn, at which the Executive Council and representatives of AFSCME Council 40 will be on hand to tell you all about how the Union will look after Jan 1, what it can do for you, and Union plans for the future.  There will also be a question and answer session to answer all your important questions.  There will be free food and a cash bar available, so please don't miss this opportunity to get all the information you need about the future.  If you are unavailable to attend, please contact your Local 474 representative to get all the information.  Thanks, and we will see you on Nov 28!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Hunting

All of us in AFSCME Local 474 are wishing everyone a safe, enjoyable, and successful hunting season!  We hope you all get the chance to bag the big one!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Recall Petitions Available

     Check with your Local 474 Executive Council reps if you want to sign the recall petition for Governor Walker and/or Lieutenant Governor Kleefish.  They will either be circulating the petitions or will be able to direct you to people who are.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

In November We Remember: Joe Hill

The Northwoods Grassroots Labor Activists will be presenting Joe Hill and The Little Red Songbook: Still Fanning the Flames of Discontent as part of their "In November We Remember" series on Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 6:30 PM at The Guild Hall, 39 South Pelham St. in Rhinelander.  The NGLA focuses on community action and labor history eduction.  Joe Hill was a Swedish-American labor activist and songwriter who was accused of murder and excecuted in Salt Lake City in 1915 in a very high-profile national case.  Learn all about him and his life at the NGLA presentation on Thursday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Walker Recall Effort Begins

United Wisconsin and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin has begun to collect the over 500,000 signatures that it requires in order to recall Governor Scott Walker.  Make sure to find someone who is circulating the petition and sign up today.  Offical circulators will be wearing lanyard to identify themselves, so make sure that the person who is circulting your petition is wearing a lanyard, or is in some other way trustworthy, as there is some concern that fake petitions will be circulated.  When you are done signing, make sure to get three other people to sign as well!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wisconsin School Districts Hurting Under Budget Repair Bill

    A recent survey by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and the Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators has found that the majority of school districts across the state have had to reduce staffing levels and increase class sizes since the enactment of the Budget Repair Bill and the latest state budget, rammed through the Legislature by Governor Scott Walker and Republican lawmakers.  The administrators association sent the survey questions to all 424 school districts in the state and 83% responded.  The following graphic showing responses came from the Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 

     As you can see, the vast majority of those districts that answered, including Lakeland Union, Crandon, Mercer, and Hurley had to make some sort of cuts or incease class sizes in some way.  Other local districts such as Three Lakes, Rhinelander, and Phelps responded that they made no cuts.  Northland Pines did not respond to the survey.  The DPI and the administrators association released this statement: "Much has been made of the unremarkable fact that school districts across the state balanced their budget this year.  School districts are required to balance their budgets every year, so the important question is not whether they balanced their budgets, but rather how that balanced budget was received."
      Governor Scott Walker's office has issued a detailed rebuttal to the study, and contends that many of the districts that answered that they had to make reductions were unwilling or unable to adopt the collective bargaining changes allowed by the Budget Repair Bill.  Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, stated that "Governor Walker's reforms are working, schools are staying the same or getting better...while the state will hold the line on property taxes over the next two years."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ohio Rejects New Collective Bargaining Law

   In a statewide referendum yesterday, the people of the state of Ohio rejected recently implemented collective bargaining laws that were more restrictive than those passed in Wisconsin.  It is being considered a huge victory for labor unions in the state, and a defeat of Republican Governor John Kasich.  You can read more about it by clicking here.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Transition Committee Recap

     At the last Transition Committee meeting, the Committee discussed a potential Table of Contents for a revised Employee Handbook and were informed by the Human Resources Director that a consortium of counties were working together to write a pair of handbooks - one for employees in general and one for management.  The Committee also discussed the implementation of temporary work rules to replace the Union contract after January 1, 2012 until more permanent rules regarding things such as pay, health insurance, and time off can be put into place.   There was also much comment from the employees in attendance, most of it regarding the uncertainty of the future and the low morale in the Courthouse in general.  Thank you to the employees who were brave enough to speak the truth in very difficult circumstances.  The next meeting is scheduled for November 30, 2011 at 4:00 pm in the Courthouse Conference Rooms.  Please make sure to attend, as the Committee was very interested in hearing what issues the employees feel are high priority.  Written comments are also welcome in the Clerk's Office.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Transition Committee Meeting Cancellation

     The Vilas County Transition Committee Meeting that was originally scheduled for today, Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 4:00 pm has been cancelled.  No make-up time has been scheduled as of yet.  We will let you know as soon as the next meeting is scheduled.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October Regular Meeting

     At the October regular meeting new officers were elected, among other business.  The membership received some updates as to possible changes in health insurance rates, pending County Board approval.  Congratulations to our new officers, all of whom were the sole nomination for their position: President David Sadenwasser, Vice President Connie Gengle, Secretary Marge Garsow, Treasurer Russ Szuta, and Chief Steward Constance Valkenaar.  Thank you to everyone who attended and all those named above who stepped up to help lead the unit.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Walker Recall Effort Date Set

Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate has announced on the party website that the effort to recall Governor Scott Walker will begin on November 15, 2011.  540,306 valid signatures are required to force a recall election.  Organizers will have 60 days to collect the needed signatures.  You can read more details here.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nomination Meeting

     Remember, Local 474 will be electing officers at the regular meeting held Monday, October 17, 2011 at 4:05 pm in the Courthouse Conference Rooms.  There are several positions on the executive board that are available to please make sure to attend if you have nominations.  Voting - should elections be needed - will be held in November.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Teachers Unions Apply for Re-Certification

Over 200 teachers and educational support staff unions have filed for re-certification with the state, under Wisconsin Act 10. The Wisconsin Employee Relations Commission - which will oversee the re-certifications - noted that the vast majority were teachers unions.  Teachers and educational support staff had until 4:30 pm yesterday to file and pay a $200 fee to begin the process.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

North-Central Labor Coalition Meeting

The North-Central Labor Coalition - which includes both AFSCME and WEAC - will be holding a metting on Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 6:00 pm at the Best Western Claridge Inn in Rhinelander, to discuss strategies for unions going forward.  There will be representatives of your Local 474 in attendance, and all others are invited to attend.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day to everyone from AFSCME Local 474!  We hope that all our members are enjoying their extra day off, and we would like to thank those of you who are at work today making sure that the world still turns and does so safely while the rest of us are off.  Regardless of your views on organized labor, or on which side of the fence you have stood on during the recent events here in Wisconsin, today is an excellent opportunity to recognize the great impace that organized labor has had on the American social, physical, and financial landscape.  We thank all of our members who have continued their support and activism in these unprecedented times.  This day is for you.  Thank you, and we hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Labor Day!

Monday, August 22, 2011

TAA Chooses Not to Decertify

The members of the Teachers Assistant Association (TAA), which represents graduate students at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, voted not to hold a recertification vote under the recently enacted Wisconsin Act 10.  A spokesman for the group noted that very little was to be gained from the recertification, whereas much could be lost.  If a union chooses to recertify under Act 10, they must receive a yes vote from 51% of active members and recertify every year.  Failure to recertify would mean they could not make a second attempt for one year.  Public employee unions are limited to bargaining wages only with raises capped at the consumer price index by Act 10.  The TAA is the first such union in the state to take this route.  It will now exist as an unofficial association of employees with no bargaining rights.

Transition Committee Minutes

In all the election hoopla the Transition Committee kind of got lost in the shuffle.  They completed work on the Employee Grievance Policy at the last meeting.  You can see the minutes here.  Just a reminder that the minutes and agenda for all Vilas County Govenment meetings are available here.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

MJS Analyses Election Numbers

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has posted an interesting analysis of the election numbers from the nine recall elections that we held across Wisconsin this summer.  You can read all about it by clicking here.

All Results Are In

     The Vilas County Clerk was reporting between 50 and 55% voter turnout in yesterday's recall election.  Thank you to everyone who voted and made sure that the Northwoods voice was really heard.  With all precincts finally reporting, let's break down some of the results:


Jim Holperin (i) (D - Conover) -  30,321 (55%)
Kim Simac (R- Eagle River) -      24,813 (45%)

Vilas County

Jim Holperin (i) (D - Conover) -  5,242 (53%)
Kim Simac (R- Eagle River) -      4,693 (47%)

Oneida County

Jim Holperin (i) (D - Conover) -  8,945 (58%)
Kim Simac (R-Eagle River)      -  6,506 (42%)

     Each candidate's strongest showing percentagewise was in a small county that was entirely in the district.  Jim Holperin won 77% of the vote in Menominee County, while Simac won 57% of the vote in Florence County.  The 12th Senate District includes parts of eleven counties, including all of Vilas, Oneida, Lincoln, Forest, Florence, Langlade and Menominee Counites; the northern 1/3 of Oconto County, the northern 3/4 of Marinette County, the northwestern 1/4 of Shawano County, and five towns in Marathon County.  Please note that the results reported above are unofficial, and that the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board expects to certify the results and make the offical tallies available next week.
     After the election, Senator Holperin thanked his supporters and constituents, saying "I have never had the kind of support from people like you every single day in every single way across the district."  Meanwhile, Simac was also thankful for her supporters, and stated "I think it's always worth it to stand up for what you believe is right, and I think that's what all of the people did here in this district, and I think you just continue to go on.  It's always worth it."
     With state recall elections finally over, the Democrats were able to pick up two seats in the Senate, with Republicans Dan Kapanke (R-LaCrosse) and Randy Hopper (R - Fond du Lac) losing their seats to Democratic challengers.  This leaves the Republicans in control of Senate with a slim 17-16 majority.  They also control the Assembly, Governor's Mansion, and Supreme Court.  Many are beginning to focus on Senator Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center), who is seen as a center-leaning Republican and who was the only GOP senator to vote against Wisconsin Act 10, which extremely curtailed collective bargaining for public employees.
     One thing, however, is for sure.  No matter which side of this most recent election your were on, we think that everyone will be happy that our televisions, radios, and mailboxes will be rid of these political ads for at least a little while.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Holperin Victorious

WJFW is reporting that Jim Holperin has made his victory speech as well, and with 79% of districts reporting all major media outlets are reporting that Holperin has retained his seat.

Simac Concedes is reporting that Republican challenger Kim Simac is currently giving her concession speech.

Wirch Retains Seat in 22nd

Senator Robert Wirch (D - Pleasant Prairie) has retained his seat in Wisconsin's 22nd Senate District.  With all precincts reporting, he has won with 58% of the vote to Republican challenger Jonathan Seitz's 42%.

Journal Sentinel Proclaims Holperin Winner

With 130 of 166 (78%) precincts reporting, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting that Senator Jim Holperin has retained his seat in Wisconsin's 12th Senate District.  He currently has 23,673 votes to Republican challenger Kim Simac's 20,066.  All of Lincoln County (27 precincts), all of Florence County (8 precincts) and one precinct in Oneida County are yet to report.  We will bring you more once the results are final.

Vote Now!

Please make sure to vote in today's General Recall Election.  It is very important to the health of your Union and your job.  MAKE SURE TO VOTE TODAY!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Regular Meeting Reminder

     Just a reminder that the Union Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 4:05 PM in the Courthouse Conference Rooms.  The agenda is as follows:

1.) Call to order
2.) Trasurer's Report
3.) Approve Minutes
4.) Old Business
    a.) Grievance Update
    b.) Transition Committee
5.)  New Business
6.)  Adjourn

Coming to the meeting is in your best interest.  Be there or be square!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Simac Wins Republican Primary

    Kim Simac of Eagle River has won the Republican primary election with 59% of the vote.  She will take on Sen. Jim Holperin in the August 16, 2011 general election.  It is very important for the future of public employees that you vote in that election.  Stay here for details as we get closer to election day.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Recall Primary

Don't forget to get out and vote in today's recall election open Republican Primary.  This election will determine who will take on Sen. Jim Holperin in the August 16, 2011 general recall election.  Polls will be open until 7 pm, so make sure you get out and vote.  ALso, poll workers will be requiring all voters to sign a register, and will be asking for photo identification.  If you do not have a photo ID you will be allowed to vote but will be educated on the new voter ID law that goes into full effect in 2012.  Happy voting!

Friday, July 15, 2011

July 14, 2011 Transition Committee Recap

     At the most recent Transition Committee meeting, details were firmed up on the discipline and termination sections of the proposed Grievance Policy.  They set a meeting for July 25, 2011 in order to finish work on a draft of the policy before a Wisconsin Counties Association workshop to be held in early August.  The only section left to be discussed is the section on grievanes over safety.  There were approximately 20 employees present at this meeting, although more would be appreciated.  It was interesting to note, however, that Supervisor Ed Bluthardt noted that the increase in employee attendance might have been because they were reminded how important it was to show up.  The next meeting of the transition committee will be Monday, July 15, 2011 at 4:00 PM in the conference rooms.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fake Democrats Lose

All six fake "Democrats" - who were really Republicans running as Democrats at the urging of the Republican party - running for election in the State Senate lost their primaries on Tuesday, setting the stage for general elections August 6.  Republican primaries in the races for the three recalled Democratic senators will be held on July 19th, 2011.  That includes the race for Sen. Jim Holperin's seat.  Make sure everyone gets out to vote in the Republican primary on the 19th.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011 Special Meeting

    At the special meeting tonight, the membership discussed the recently signed contract extension and handed out figures as to what new wages will be and what each employee's contribution will be.  Copies of those figures are available from your friendly local union representative or the Clerk's office.  The Transition Committee and its recent activity was also discussed, including the need for more employees to be present at their meetings.  Their next meeting is July 14, 2011 at 3:30 pm in the Conference Rooms.  The future of the Union was also discussed in short before adjournment. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Date Set for Pension Contributions

Per the contract signed earlier this year, a 2% pay raise and 5.8% pension contribution will become effective July 10, 2011.  It will be reflected in all members' paychecks at that time.  The timelines and dates released by the state will not effect union members since we have a contract in place.  Vilas County will also continue to collect union dues and other customary practices through the end of the contract on December 31, 2011.  We will bring you more information as it becomes available.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Lawsuit Against Bargaining Law

     A coalition of Wisconsin unions has filed a lawsuit in federal court against the recently passes Wisconsin Act 10.  The lawsuit contends that the Act violates the First and Fourteenth Ammendments of the constitution because it encumbers people's right to "bargain, organize, and associate for the purpose of engaging in union activity" and because it discriminates among classes of municipal employees by exempting police, firefighters, and state troopers.  This is the first lawsuit to actually attack the bill on its merits, although it should be noted that it does not challenge the pension and insurance contributions of employees, as the unions involved in the lawsuit have "made it clear from day one that Wisconsin public sector workers would do their part to share in the sacrafice and keep our state moving forward" according to a statement issued by the AFL-CIO.  The case has been filed in the Western District of Wisconsin and assigned to District Judge William M. Conley, who was appointed to the position by President Barak Obama.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

LaFollette Announces Date of Publication

     Wisconsin Secretary of State Doug LaFollette has announced that he will publish the recently re-enacted Wisconsin Act 10 in the state's official newspaper on June 28, 2011.  That means that the law will officially take effect on June 29.

Supreme Court Rules on Act 10

    With a shockingly short turnaround, the Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstated the controversial Budget Repair Bill last night around 5 pm, just moments before the Legislature was set to include the controversial measure in the 2011-2013 Biannual Budget.  The court ruled that Dane County circuit court judge Maryanne Sumi's ruling was void from outset as she had acted outside of her jurisdiction in declaring the law null.  In the majority opinion, the Court concluded that "...the Legislature did not violate the Wisconsin Constitution by the process it used." These tactics were to enact Wisconsin Act 10 in a special legislative session with less than 24 hours public notice.  It is unclear how this ruling might affect the contract signed between Local 474 and Vilas County.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June Regular Meeting

   The Local 474 regular meeting scheduled for June 13, 2011 was cancelled due to the lack of a quorum.  The next regular meeting will be on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 4:05 pm in the Courthouse Conference Rooms.  Please make sure to mark your calendars.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Recall Election Set

     The Government Accountability Board has set the recall election for Senator Jim Holperin (D-Conover).  The primary election will be held July 19, 2011 with the general electios to be held August 16, 2011.  Republicans Kim Simac - president of the Northwoods Patriots - and Lincoln County Board of Supervisors Chairman Robert Lussow have both announced plans to run for Holperin's seat, which will necessitate at least a Republican primary on the 19th.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

GAB Considers Last Three Recalls

     The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) meets this morning at 9:00 AM to consider Democratic challenges against the three recall petitions.  Democrats filed an appeal regarding the petitions to recall Senators Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay), Jim Holperin (D-Conover), and Robert Wirch (D-Pleasant Prairie) alledging several improprieties.  The GAB will see memos from its staff making reccomendations on how to proceed, but the bottom line laid out in the memos is that in each case, even if the GAB decides to throw out the improper signatures, there are still enough legal signatures to force an election for each senator.  The GAB will hear testimony from both sides and from their staff and either throw out each petition or schecule an election date.  GAB spokesman Reid Magney says that the cases on all three petitions should be decided by 6:00 PM.  We will keep you updated as we know more.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kloppenburg Concedes, GAB Okays 3 Recall Elections

    In news today, Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg has officially conceded the Wisconsin Supreme Court election to Incumbent David Prosser at a Madison news conference.  A statewide recount showed her losing the election by 7,006 votes.  She also stated that she would not challenge the election in court, noting: "It would serve no purpose to bring a suit with insufficient legal basis. That is not the kind of lawyer that I am."
     In another part of Madison, the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board was approved recall elections against three senators, while delaying a decision on three others.  Sens, Rob Cowles (R-Allouez), Alberta Darling (R- River Hills), and Sheila Harsdorf (R-River Falls) will face recall elections on July 12, 2011.  If there are multiple entrants, then the July 12th date will become the primary with the general election on August 9.  Working over the Memorial Day weekend, the GAB was able to dismiss concerns and complaints against the three petitions in time for their meeting today.
     The same was not true in the case of the petitions agains Sens. Bob Wirch (D-Pleasant Prairie), Jim Holperin (D-Conover), and Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay).  The GAB stated that their recall petitions were challenged under different grounds and that they just didn't have the manpower to adequately dismiss all the claims against the petitions.  The GAB is working under a court-ordered extension to set the dates for all recall elections by this coming Friday, June 3, 2011.  They plan to return to the court to ask for more time.  Their proposed timetable for elections for any of the three whose dates haven't been set would be a July 19th primary and August 16th general election.  Once the recall election dates are certified, the offical who is being recalled has seven days to appeal to the courts.  It is unclear at this time if any of the senators facing recalls will do so.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Judge Strikes Down Collective Bargaining Law

   In a decision rendered earlier today, Dane County Circuit Court Judge Maryann Sumi declared that there was "clear and convincing evidence" that the meeting at which Wisconsin Act 10 was passed did not meet with open meeting law requirement, and as such the law is void.  She then went on to issue a permanent injunction against it.  There are several more legal battles being fought regarding the law, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court is scheduled to begin hearing arguments as to whether it should take up the case on June 6, 2011.  This development dows not change any of the contract agreements that were ratified by the union membership on Monday May 23, as once a tentative agreement is ratified it is binding, and Wisconsin Act 10 does not mandate an employee contribution to the retirement fund.  Please stay tuned for more information as we have it.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tentative Agreement Ratified

At a meeting earlier today, Vilas County Local 474 ratified the tentative agreement on an employment contract that was struck last week.  It was ratified by a unanimous vote of those members present.  The term of the contract is six months beginning July 1, 2011, and all aspects of the existing contract remain the same except the following changes:

- 2% pay raise effective July 1, 2011

- Employees will contribute 5.8% to their retirement fund

- Yearly prescription drug co-pays maximums are removed

-  Doctor's Office Visit and Critical Care Visit co-pays increase to $15

-  Emergency Room Visits co-pay increases to $100.

-  If multiple members of one family are employed by Vilas County, only one Family Plan may be utilized.

This contract will be presented to the Vilas County Board of Supervisors on June 10, 2011 for their ratification.  If ratified by the full County Board the contract will take effect on July 1, 2011.  All vacation, sick time, and other benefits remain the same.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Politifact Wisconsin Rates Simac's Statement "True"

Politifact Wisconsin, an unbiased group that rates statements and promises made by political figures, has looked into a statement made by Kim Simac that Sen. Jim Holperin hired an outside telemarketing firm to make harassing phone calls to people who signed his recall petition and has rated it true.  You can get all the details here.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Recount Completed

The recount in the race for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice has wrapped up, with the final, officially certified totals showing incumbent David Prosser winning by 7,006 votes out of nearly 1.5 million cast. He is the winner right now, although many believe that there will still be more legal challenges of the results in the court system.  Stay tuned for more updates as we have them.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tentative Agreement and Ratification Meeting

   At a mediation session today, Vilas County Local 474 reached a tentative agreement with Vilas County on an employment contract to begin July 1, 2011 and end December 31, 2011.  Detailed terms of the agreement will be presented to the membership for review and ratification at a special meeting to be held on Monday, May 23, 2010 at 4:05 pm in the Courthouse Conference Rooms.  This is your opportunity to give your opinion and allow your vote to be heard.

Jim Holpering Campaign Website

Senator Jim Holperin has a campaign website that is located at  Please make sure to make your vote heard in this summer's upcoming recall election!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mediation Upcoming

     Way back, in the days before Scott Walker, the Union and Vilas County actually began negotiating the next contract for Union workers.  Since no compromise was made between the two sides it was decided to go to mediation, and since the long-standing bargaining laws have yet to be swept away, the County still must bargain with the Union in "good faith."  All that being said, a mediation session is scheduled for Wednesday, May 18, 2011.  It is not open to the public or Union membership at large, but the Executive Council will be meeting with Personnel in the closed session with the mediator.  We will give you more updates as they are available.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

State Budget Defecit Eases

    The non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau announced yesterday that it has revised its tax revenue estimates for the upcoming budget period and expects the state to take in $636 million more than it had originally expected.  The governor's office gave no detailed plans for the extra income but said that it should be used to pay off debt.  The Governor, at a news conference, also noted that some of it may be used to lessen cuts.  However, he was quick to note that it would not affect his plans to eliminate collective bargaining rights for public workers.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Transition Committee Meeting

Just a reminder to everyone, there is a Transition Committee meeting tonight, May 10, 2011 at 4:30 pm in the Courthouse Conference Rooms.  You can view the agenda here.

Recount Changes Little

With 71 of 72 counties finished with their recounts in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg has only picked up 355 extra votes against incumbent Justice David Prosser.  This means that she would have to gain 6,962 votes in heavily Republican Waukesha County - the only county left to finish their recounting.  Of the approximately 30% of Waukesha County votes recounted so far, Prosser has actually picked up 18 votes, so it appears exceedingly unlikely that the recount will change any election results.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Challenges to Recall Petitions

Recall petitions are checked by the GAB.
     The Democratic Party of Wisconsin (DPW) has filed a challenge to the recall petitions against Sens. Dave Hansen, Jim Holperin, and Robert Wirch.  The DPW has approximately 200 sworn statements from voters who report irregularities with the recall petitions.  These include people who claim they never signed the petitions, people who were told they were signing petitions to recall Gov. Scott Walker, support local education, support local parks, or recall Republican Senators.  "Thousands of Wisconsin citizens fell victim to lies and misinfomation spread by the circulators, and the papers submitted [by the signature collectors] contain a river of omissions and wrong informations," said Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller (D-Monona).  Attorney for the DPW, Jeremy Levinson, went on to say that it appeared that many names on the petitions appeared to have been copied from the phone book, including the deceases father of Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Madison).     Republican Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Mark Jefferson responded by calling the challenge "an expensive waste of time, couched in hyperbole and hot air" and predicted that even if the challenges of the signatures were upheld they would fall far short of the numbers needed to invalidate the petition.  All three petitions contained thousands of signatures more than required for force a recall election.
     Kennedy Enterprises of Colorado Springs, CO was paid $92,000 to circulate petitions against Democratic senators, and Democrats have also claimes that circulators from Florida, Colorado, and New York claimed to live at invalid addresses.  No one was available at Kennedy Enterprises when the Wisconsin State Journal attempted to contact them for comment.  It is not clear at this time how these challenges will effect the recall election scheduled for July 12, 2011.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kim Simac to Run in Recall Election

According to the Lakeland Times, Northwoods Patriots President Kim Simac will be challenging Senator Jim Holperin in the upcoming recall election.  She plans to kick off her campaign today at 10:00 am at her campaign headquarters in Rhinelander.  In response to her announcement, Senator Holperin said "It's clear that Kim Simac, beacause she ran the recall operation, is mad at me, and it's pretty clear that she's angry at government, yet now she wants to be a part of it."  The election has been set for July 12, 2011 but could be delayed by legal challenges of the signatures on the petitions.  We will bring you more information when we have it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

State Employee Day

Governor Walker has proclaimed Wednesday, May 4, 2011 as "State Employee Recognition Day," praising state workers for cutting costs in tough economic times and noting their "outstanding conduct in serving the people of Wisconsin." This comes months after he pushed a bill to strip most of those workers of their collective bargaining rights and cause them to pay more towards their retirement and insurance costs.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Recall Petition Information

It is Monday morning information time, everyone.  We hope you had a wonderful weekend are the ready to get back to work.  If you would like a little light reading, you can see a list of the 16 Wisconsin senators who are targets of recall petitions if you click here.  If you want to see specific information about the recall efforts by a particular committee to recall someone, click on their name.  You can access the information regarding Senator Holperin, including the petitions themselves, if you click here.  And the best part is that the information comes directly from the Government Accountability Board, so it is at least unbiased.  Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Transition Committee Meeting

The Vilas County Transition Committee will hold their next meeting April 28, 2011 in the Courthouse Conference Rooms at 4:30 pm.  Please keep up the great numbers and respectful attitude that you have exhibited before!

Vilas County Transition Committee
Vilas County Courthouse
Conference Rooms
Thursday, April 28, 2011
4:30 pm

Administrative Professionals Day

Today is Administrative Professionals Day, and as such Vilas County Local 474 would like to thank all union and non-union administrative professionals for the great work that they do in helping to run offices all around the world.  Please make sure to wish your friendly local administrative professional a happy day today!

Supreme Court Vote Recounting Begins

The recounting of Vilas County votes in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election will be held on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 in the Vilas County Courthouse Conference Rooms in the basement of the Courthouse.  The recounting will commence at 9:00 AM.  Access to the rooms will be through the door to Conference Room #3 and items such as purses, coats and briefcases, as well as pencils or pens with blue or black ink, are prohibited.  Please make sure to allow your elected officials the space and concentration that they need to complete this complex, tedious, and critically important process.  Thank you.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jim Holperin Announces Budget Hearing

Senator Jim Holperin has announced the next date in his series of public hearings regarding the 2011-2013 state budget.  This hearing will be held at:

Antigo High School
Volm Theater
1900 Tenth Ave
Antigo, WI
Friday, April 29, 2011
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

In statement, Senator Holperin said "Governor Walker's budget proposal contains more significant policy changes and more program cuts than any two year budget in recent memory.  In orfer for legislators to make informed decisions on these proposals weneed to hear specifically what impact the changes and reductions might have on localities and on programs in different parts of the state."

The hearing is open to the public and the media, and other area legislators have been invited to attend.  Call (715) 891-1412 for more information

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sen. Holperin Recall Petition Filed

The recall petition against Senator Jim Holperin was filed with the Government Accountability Board on Thursday, according to the Wisconsin State Journal.  There is no word yet on any details of the recall election.  We will let you know when we have more information.  Thank you to all of those who helped support workers' rights and Senator Holperin by not signing the petition.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kloppenburg Files for Recount

     In a move that was widely expected, Assistant Attorney General Joanne Kloppenburg officially asked today for a recount of the results of the recent election for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, which saw her lose by approximately 7,000 votes out of almost 1.5 million cast.  Since the results were closer than 0.5% of the total votes cast, the state will pay the cost of the recount, which incumbent and victor David Prosser called a waste of time and money.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Recall Petitions Filed

Three petitions to recall Republican state senators with the minimum amount of signatures needed have been filed, and at the time of this posting a group is in the Government Accountbility Board office in Madison handing in the signatures to recall a fourth.  All of the groups who have filed so far have had many thousands of signatures more than needed to force a recall election.  Also, efforts are still underway to recall an additional four Republicans and eight Democrats.  Kim Simac, who is heading the recall effort against Senator Holperin is being reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel as saying that she will file her petition sometime this week.  We will bring you more as we have it.

GAB Satisfied With Waukesha County Election Results

     The State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board - the agency tasked with oversight of state elections - has issued a statement stating that there was no major discepency between the Supreme Court election results recorded by the municipalities and those reported by the Waukesha County Board of Canvassers, and that the GAB is satisfied with the offical results.  The offical statement can be seen here.  The GAB sent a team to Waukesha upon learning of the large error that was made in reporting the unofficial election results that handed the election to incumbent Justice David Prosser to verify that all of the vote totals matched and paperwork was in order.  In related news, Justice Prosser has stated that the recount that is almost certain to be asked for, and which would be paid for by the State of Wisconsin because the margin of victory was within .05%, would be an unnecessary waste of time and taxpayer money.

Friday, April 8, 2011

State Asks Supreme Court To Vacate TRO

The Walker administration in the form of State Department of Administration Secretary Mike Huebsch has petitioned the Wisconsin Supreme Court to vacate the temporary restraining order against publication of the Budget Repair Bill that was issued by Dane County Circuit Court Judge Maryann Sumi.  The Supreme Court has not decided yet if will hear the petition or not.

Thank You

Thank you to all the employees who attended last night's Transition Committee meeting.  The strong show of employee interest was fantastic, and everyone was respectful and appropriate.  It showed very well for Vilas County Employees.

Changes in Supreme Court Race Totals

As the participants wait for official election results, and an almost certain recount looms, several mistakes that have been discovered in Winnebago and Waukesha Counties have led Justice David Prosser to be leading by approximately 7500 votes.  The largest error was in Waukesha County, where County Clerk Kathy Nikolaus said that she failed to save on her computer and report 14,315 votes from the traditionally Republican City of Bookfield.  These totals allowed Prosser to gain 7582 votes over Kloppenburg in the hotly contested race.  The Waukesha County Board of Canvassers - which oversees elections and results - has stated that the are satisfied with the updated numbers.  A spokeswoman for the Kloppenburg campaign has promised a full investigation, while Justice Prosser said on Fox News "I'm not conceding, and I'm not congratulating.  And I'm not claiming victory.  We're simply waiting out the process." 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

AFSCME Membership Savings

AFSCME Wisconsin Council 40 has a list of things on which you can save money just for being an AFSCME member.  You can get savings on things like AT&T cell phone service, Dell computers, movie tickets, and even auto insurance.  Just click on the picture to go to the site and get details.

ETF Update

The Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds has updated their Frequently Asked Questions regarding how the Budget Repair Bill is going to impact the retirement fund.  This link will take you to the publication.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Associated Press Announces Unofficial Winner in Supreme Court Race

      The Associated Press is reporting that it has tallied the voted from all 3,630 precincts in Wisconsin and that by its count Assistant Attorney General Joanne Kloppenburg has unofficially won the Wisconsin Supreme Court election by 204 votes out of over 1.5 million cast.  The official results will be announced in the coming days.  If a candidate asks for a recount - which will most certainly happen - the state will do the recount at no cost because the margin of difference was less than 0.5%.  The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has laid out how the process will work in the coming days in this article.  The last time there was a statewide recount was in 1989 when a recount was done on a referedum issue.
     Thank you to everyone who voted in the election and helped create an unprecedented turnout for a spring election, with some precincts reporting over 50% voter turnout.  The slim margin by which this election is likely to be decided goes to show just how important voting is in our system of government.  We will bring you more news as we have it.

Transition Meeting Set

The Vilas County Tansition Committee has scheduled a meeting to discuss matters pertaining to the pending Budget Repair Bill and its effects on Vilas County.  They have decided to schedule meeting of their Committee after normal work hours so that employees can be present without using vacation time.  Employees, however, will not be allowed a seat at the table with the Committee, they will be heard as members of the public.  The meeting will be held tomorrow, April 7, 2011 at 4:30 PM in the Courthouse Conference Rooms. A copy of the agenda with more specific times and locations can be obtained by clicking here, or by viewing on the courthouse bulletin boards.  Please keep in mind when speaking in front of the Committee that you represent the employees of Vilas County, so please make sure to be constructive, concise, and respectful in your comments.  Local 474 will have representatives at the meeting and we will bring you more information as we have it.  Minutes from their March 30, 2011 can be found by clicking here.

Supreme Court Race Too Close To Call

With precincts still left to report, the race between incumbent Supreme Court Justice David Prosser and challenger Assistant Attorney General Joanne Kloppenburg is too close to call.  The margin throughout the morning has been less than 1000 votes for both parties as it has swung back and forth, as reported by the Associated Press. We will let you know as soon as we are aware of who is declared the winner.  Just a note of caution however, expect a recount to be called for in an election this close.  A map of some early results is below.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Expect Signature Collectors at Polling Places

The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board has ruled that collecting signatures near polling places does not meet the definition of "electioneering" - which is illegal in Wisconsin - because the signatures being collected are not for the race at hand.  That being said, be prepared to find people collecting signatures on the petition to recall Senator Jim Holperin outside of local polling places.  Please remember to be civil and polite with dealing with these signature collectors as you go out to vote today, and please remember the courageous step Sentaor Holperin took in attempting to save union bargaining rights for public workers when confronted with the signature collectors.


Joanne Kloppenburg
Don't forget to go out and vote today in the Wisconsin Supreme Court elections behind held today at your friendly local polling place.  Please make sure to get out and have your vote counted.  Conservative Republican Sarah Palin has endorsed incumbent David Prosser.  Also, a December 8, 2010 news release from Prosser campaign spokesman Brian Nemoir called him a "common-sense complement to both the new administration and Legislature" although Prosser himself later diavowed that statement, stating that he did not see it before it came out.  Also, many of the groups that contributed to Governor Scott Walker's campaign have been contributing to Justice Prosser's.  Again, please make sure to turn out and vote in the Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice election being held today.  This election will help shape Supreme Court decisions for the next ten years.  Most polls will remain open until 7 PM.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Timetable Set for BRB Lawsuit

On Friday, Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi set final briefs due May 23, 2011 for the lawsuit regarding whether or not the Budget Repair Bill (a.k.a. Wisconsin Act 10) was passed in accordance with Open Meeting Laws.  We will bring you more information when we have it.

Vilas County Transition Committee Vision and Mission Statement

The County Transition Committee has issued its offical Vision Statement and Mission Statement, which you can read below.  You can read all the details of their last meeting - including a discussion of including employees at the Committee table in a non-voting role - in the Vilas County News-Review of March 30, 2011.

Vilas County Transition Committee Vision and Mission Statement

Vision Statement

The Vilas County Transition Committee recognizes the need for high quality performance by employees of Vilas County in providing services to the residents of the county.  It is our vision that the work of this committee will contribute positively to our relationship, strengthen the excellence of services and move us into a continuing era of employer/employee cooperation.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Vilas County Transition Committee to make recommendations to the County Board, in light of the recently passed Budget Repair Bill which effects the relationship between public employers and employees, giving thoughtful consideration to the interest of Vilas County taxpayers and employees, while preserving the quality of services historically provided by the County, in a manner that is consistent with our stated vision.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

BRB Not In Effect Per Court

This morning, Dane County Circuit Court Judge Maryann Sumi issued the following two-paragraph order:

     "For the reasons stated on the record at the March 18, 2011, hearing conducted by the Court, as well as based on the testimony and evidence submitted at the March 29, 2011, hearing conducted by the Court, and pursuant to Wis. Stat. §813.02, Secretary of State Douglas La Follette, in his offical capacity, is hearby ENJOINED from designating the date of publication for 2011 Wisconsin Act 10, or and futher implementation of 2011 Wisconsin Act 10, including but without limitation publishing in the official state newspaper, pursuant to Wis Stat. §14.38(10)(c), until further order of the Court.
     "FURTHER, based on the briefs of counsel, the uncotroverted testimony, and the evidence received at the March 29, 2011 evidentiary hearing, it is hereby DECLARED that 2011 Wisconsin Act 10 has not been published within the meaning of Wis. Stat. §§991.11, 35.095(1)(b) and 35.095(3)(b), and is therefore not in effect.
    " SO ORDERED this 31st day of March, 2011, at 8:15 am."

    In response to the Order, the Walker administration has said it will halt action on putting the law in force by refusing to collect union dues for state employees and taking more for their insurance and pension shares. In a statement, the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Mike Huebsch, said "While I believe the budger-repair bill was legally published and is indeed law, given the most recent court action we will suspend the implementation of it at this time."  You can see the actual order by clicking here.  There will be another hearing regarding the case at 8:30 am on Friday, April 1, 2011 at which time Judge Sumi has the option to rule on a request for a preliminary injunction, which would block the law for a longer period than the current temporary restraining order.  We will let you know more as we know it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

April Regular Meeting Schedule

Vilas County Local 474 will hold their April Regular Meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 in the Courthouse Conference Rooms at 4:00 pm.  This will feature a talk by Thor Backus, from AFSCME Wisconsin Council 40, who will give a presentation about the benefits of union membership in a post-BRB world, along with the normal Union business and all the updates that we can get you.  Ask any of the Executive Council members if you have any questions.

Temporary Restraining Order Continued

Hon. Maryann Sumi.  Photo courtesy of
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
credit Michael P. King.
      Yesterday, Dane County Circuit Judge Maryanne Sumi stated that her earlier temporary restraining order blocking the Budget Repair Bill - officially known as Act 10 - was clear and did not allow for its publication by the Leglislative Reference Bureau because it said no steps should be taken to advance the law, which its publishing did.  "Further implementation of the act is enjoined.  Apparently that language was either misunderstood or ignored, but what I said was the further implementation of Act 10 was enjoined. That is what I now want to make crystal clear" stated Sumi.  She issued a new restraining order which bars Secretary of State Doug LaFollette from designating a publishing date or running any notice about it in the official state newspaper.  However, the point of contention among the Walker administration is that the order does not name anyone else.  Department of Justice spokesman Bill Cosh said "We don't believe that the court can enjoin non-parties.  Whether the Department of Administration or other state officers choose to comple with and direction issued by Judge Sumi is up to them."  That is the basis on which the Dept. of Administration began witholding retirement moneis, began charging more for health insurance, and stopped collecting union dues for state workers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Board of Supervisors Presentation

Click here to listen to the presentation that was given to the Vilas County Board of Supervisors regarding the Budget Repair Bill and the changes it might require.

Judicial Secretary Posting

A few of the more astute members may have noticed a job posting for the Judicial Secreatary position that went out to the public without first being posted to the Union membership.  Well here is the skinny: A Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling in 1996 allows judges to appoint their assistants if they so choose.  With the retirement of Jerrie Van Haverbeke, Judge Nielsen has requested to appoint his new assistant.  The new assistant will be treated as all other appointed deputies under current union rules, and members will not be able to post into that position.  Judge Neilsen is accepting and considering all applications he received.  Applications were due March 25, 2011.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

BRB Published on Internet

    The Budget Repair Bill was published by the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau on their website on Friday, bringing into question whether it would take effect today or not.  Assembly Speaker Scott Fitzgerald believe is would, citing state law that requires any law to be published within 10 days of being voted on.  However, Stephen Miller - Director of the Legislative Reference Bureau - and Secretary of State Doug LaFollette  both urge caution, noting that existing laws also say a new law isn't effective until it is published in the state's official newspaper - the Wisconsin State Journal.  It is unclear at this time how this will effect Local 474, but we will bring you more information as it becomes available.

Friday, March 25, 2011

BRB Goes to Supreme Court

     A three-man panel of appellate judges unanimously sent the challenge of the Budget Repair Bill to the Wisconsin Supreme Court without weighing on the merits of the case.  "Plainly, this case has broad statewide implications for the general public and those most directly addected by the challenged act" wrote Judges Brian Blanchard, Paul Higginbotham, and Paul Lundsten.  It is now up to the Supreme Court to decide whether to take up the case; four judges must vote to take up the case before they can hear it.  It is unclear at this time when the Court would begin hearing the case or how quickly they could rule.  In two weeks Supreme Court Justice David Prosser faces re-election for his seat on the court and has noted that he is in a tough situation regarding the vote to take the case, as it would be improper for him to vote to delay the case because it might "be embarrassing to me politically" and that it would also be improper for him to vote to take the case and be seen as a Walker backer.  This development makes it unbelieveable important to vote in the April 4, 2011 election for Supreme Court Judge, as Judge Prosser is a Scott Walker backer and his challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg has a history of aligning with us on issues.  PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE - IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Appeal Against Temporary Restraining Order

Earlier today, Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen filed an appeal of the Temporary Restrining Order issued by a Dane County Circuit Judge on Friday.  Hearings on the injunction are scheduled for March 29, 2011 and April 1, 2011.  It is unclear at this time how this will affect the implementation of the law.  We will keep you posted as more information becomes available.

Transition Committee

The Vilas County Board of Supervisors held a meeting today in the Conference Rooms to set up what they are calling the Transition Committee that will explore and make recommendations on how to adapt county policies to the Budget Repair Bill.  This meeting also included a presentation by their labor attorney regarding new changes.  Check back here for more information as it becomes available to us.  Click Here to see a copy of the agenda.

BRB Veterans Links

Here are some important links for veterans regarding the Budget Repair Bill:

Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs 2011-2012 Biennial Budget Information

Wisconsin Departmetn of Veterans Affairs: Significant Provisions of Governor's Budget Reccomendations

Sean Duffy at Nicolet College

US Representative for Wisconsin's Seventh District Sean Duffy (D) will be at Nicolet College on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 from 4-5 pm to meet with constituents.

Bill's On Hold Rallys

  There are several "Bill's On Hold" rallies happening in the Northwoods this weekend.  Here is the information on three nearby:


Wednesday, March 23, 2011
4 pm - 5:30 pm
Corner of Pine St. and Railroad St. (corner that Dairy Queen sits on)
Parking to be in public lot northeast of Holiday Station and on side streets. Driveways to businesses may not be blocked. Please refrain from putting any business names on signs.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011 & Thursday, March 24, 2011
4 pm - 5:30 pm
Corner of Courtney St. and Pelham St.
Parking on public streets and public parking lots


Friday, March 25, 2011
4 pm - 5:30 pm
North of Minocqua Bridge
Parking on public streets and public parking lots

Please note not to block driveways to businesses or private residence during these rallies.  Please do not put any business names on signs.  Family, friends, and co-workers are invited and encouraged to participate in all rallies.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Vote for Supreme Court Justice

Joanne Kloppenburg
      On April 5, 2011 there will be an election for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice.  This is an extemely important election that will have a great impact on the current budget and collecitve bargaining battles occurring in Wisconsin.  Currently the seven-member Court has four members who have a history of voting against out stand on these issues.  Currently one of them is up for re-election.  Recent elections have featured an influx of money from many of the same groups that have supported the Budget Repair Bill and its attack on public employee union collective bargaining.  Challenger Joanne Kloppenburg is not supported by any of those groups and her election to the Wisconsin Supreme Court would change the makeup of the court at a time when many historically important landmark cases will come before it.
     Please make sure to take the time to vote in the April 5th election for Wisconsin State Supreme Court.  Your vote is your most important weapon in fighting for your job and your way of life, and for making your voice heard. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

TRO Issued Against BRB

Earlier today Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi issued a temporary restraining order barring the publication of the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill while she takes time to make a ruling on a lawsuit filed against its passing by Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne.  While this is being touted as a small victory for opponents of the bill, it does not defeat the bill.  The Legislature may take up the bill in different form in full session, and state officials have said that they plan to appeal the restrianing order.  While much remains to be decided, what this does do is extend the timetable for events and allow us in the Local 474 to gather more information and formulate more strategy as we move forward.  Keep following us for more information as it becomes available.

Click here to read Judge Sumi's decision.


Welcome to the AFSCME Local 474 blog.  This will be your center of information for union members in the Vilas County Courthouse.  Check here for important updates, events, and tips as we attempt to navagate through these unprecedented times.