Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Simac Wins Republican Primary

    Kim Simac of Eagle River has won the Republican primary election with 59% of the vote.  She will take on Sen. Jim Holperin in the August 16, 2011 general election.  It is very important for the future of public employees that you vote in that election.  Stay here for details as we get closer to election day.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Recall Primary

Don't forget to get out and vote in today's recall election open Republican Primary.  This election will determine who will take on Sen. Jim Holperin in the August 16, 2011 general recall election.  Polls will be open until 7 pm, so make sure you get out and vote.  ALso, poll workers will be requiring all voters to sign a register, and will be asking for photo identification.  If you do not have a photo ID you will be allowed to vote but will be educated on the new voter ID law that goes into full effect in 2012.  Happy voting!

Friday, July 15, 2011

July 14, 2011 Transition Committee Recap

     At the most recent Transition Committee meeting, details were firmed up on the discipline and termination sections of the proposed Grievance Policy.  They set a meeting for July 25, 2011 in order to finish work on a draft of the policy before a Wisconsin Counties Association workshop to be held in early August.  The only section left to be discussed is the section on grievanes over safety.  There were approximately 20 employees present at this meeting, although more would be appreciated.  It was interesting to note, however, that Supervisor Ed Bluthardt noted that the increase in employee attendance might have been because they were reminded how important it was to show up.  The next meeting of the transition committee will be Monday, July 15, 2011 at 4:00 PM in the conference rooms.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fake Democrats Lose

All six fake "Democrats" - who were really Republicans running as Democrats at the urging of the Republican party - running for election in the State Senate lost their primaries on Tuesday, setting the stage for general elections August 6.  Republican primaries in the races for the three recalled Democratic senators will be held on July 19th, 2011.  That includes the race for Sen. Jim Holperin's seat.  Make sure everyone gets out to vote in the Republican primary on the 19th.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011 Special Meeting

    At the special meeting tonight, the membership discussed the recently signed contract extension and handed out figures as to what new wages will be and what each employee's contribution will be.  Copies of those figures are available from your friendly local union representative or the Clerk's office.  The Transition Committee and its recent activity was also discussed, including the need for more employees to be present at their meetings.  Their next meeting is July 14, 2011 at 3:30 pm in the Conference Rooms.  The future of the Union was also discussed in short before adjournment. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Date Set for Pension Contributions

Per the contract signed earlier this year, a 2% pay raise and 5.8% pension contribution will become effective July 10, 2011.  It will be reflected in all members' paychecks at that time.  The timelines and dates released by the state will not effect union members since we have a contract in place.  Vilas County will also continue to collect union dues and other customary practices through the end of the contract on December 31, 2011.  We will bring you more information as it becomes available.