Thursday, December 8, 2011

Scott Walker Fundraising Letter

Following is the text of a fundraising letter being sent out by Friends of Scott Walker on the Governor's behalf.  It is scary to see just how he feels about us...the name of the recipient has been removed for obvious reasons.  The emphasis is original from the letter.

Dear Mr. #####,

     The Wisconsin Democrat Party is following through on their months-long threat; they're launching a recall election against me.

     Our rivals are probably bringing in out-of-state hired guns, ciculating thousands of petitions, gathering the 540,000 signatures they need, and forging an alliance of Big Government Liberals, Big Government Union Bosses, powerful Far-Left Special Interests and Super PAC's, and National Democrats from the White House on down.

     In the face of a challenge of this magnitude, I need you.

     Knowing that I can't fight this battle alone, I'm reaching our to Wisconsin's tried-and-true conservative leaders and friends and asking your to write a "Friends of Scott Walker" check today.

     Mr. #####, our opponents will raise tens of millions from deep-pocketed Super PAC's and Big Labor Bosses, but we'll raise money with the grassroots contributions of strong Wisconsin supporters like you.

     Your generous check for $25, $35, $50, or $100 will give us a big boost and a huge lift as we tackle this enormous challenge together.

     Our rivals crave power and they're happy to dismiss everything we've accomplished together since I took office in January.

     We've turned a $3.6 billion Jim Doyle-defecit into a $300 million surplus.  Wisconsin is debt-free for the first time in a decade.  New businesses are coming to Wisconsin and so are good jobs.

     From education to local government reform, we've made one breakthrough after another and Wisconsin is poised for even better days ahead.

     Mr. #####, don't let the Liberals succeed in ousting me and returning our state to the bad old days of blank-check government and no-limit credit cards; a state where businesses will shrivel up and die...taxes will go back will disappear...and all out progress will be undone.

     We simply can't afford to let that happen.

     So as Wisconsin Democrat Chairman Mike Tate shouts that "It would be irresponsible of the party not to jump on that opportunity" to recall me, you and I know the truth is different.

     They are desperately seeking power so they can return to the happy days when their liberal base was treated to one Big Government treat after another.

     Wisconsin can't afford to go where they will take us.

     This is a critical point in Wisconsin history, perhaps a turning point.  From first-hand experience, I know how our political rivals operate and how far they'll go to recall me.

     I can only imagine how much help they'll get from the Obama White House, the National Democrat Machine, the deep-pocketed Liberal Super PACs and the revenge-seeking Big Labor Bosses.

     So in my hour of need I turn to you.

     Knowing that you share my love for Wisconsin, my dedication to fiscal conservative pinciples, and my determination to meet this looming challenge head-on...

     Do me the honor of contributing to our "Friends of Scott Walker" campaign with your special gift of $25, $35, $50, $100, $250 or more.

     Through your generous spirit and sense of fair play, I'll rise to meet this recall challenge with yard signs and bumper stickers, targeted letters and self-mailers, radio spots and TV commercials, neighborhood canvasses and get-out-the-vote calls.

     I'm proud of Wisconsin and pleased with the progress we've made in our first year in office.  But I'm not satisfied.  There's more to do, more reforms ahead, and I'll do all in my power to keep making you proud of the progress we've made.

     Right here and right now, I need your help.

     I must raise $600,000 in the next thirty days; that's the seed-money or start-up capital we'll need to fight off the first wave of attack ads.

     Your kind help will mean the world to me and your "Friends of Scott Walker" check for $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2500 or more will give me the opportunity to keep working for the Wisconsin I love.

                                                                            On Wisconsin,

                                                                            Scott Walker

P.S. At this moment, our opponents probably are recruiting out-of-state hired guns, circulating petitions, gathering signatures, raising money, and planning attack ads.  Over $40 million was spent on recalls this summer - they could spend that much on a recall against us.  I'm asking for your help so I can keep being your Governor.

Gag me with a freaking spoon.  It is scary to see how askew his view of reality truly is.  It is also nice to see that Friends of Scott Walker was able to provide a job to the guy who used to write all those e-mail scam letters about the rich prince in Nigeria needing your help to get his fortune out of the country...

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